Here we hope to answer the common questions you may have about the booking system and making a booking.
The Shere Swimming Pool runs a mixture of open swimming, when anyone can come to the pool, and booked lane swimming, when only those members and their guests, who have booked the slot, are allowed to swim in a particular lane.
What are the lanes?
The pool has been divided into three lanes that run the length of the pool. Lane 1 is nearest to the gate. Some people prefer a side so that they have a railing to be able to hang on to, in which case either lane 1 or lane 3 would be best. Lane 3 has the steps in the corner at the shallow end.
What do I need to make a booking?
The card that allows you access to the pool looks like this:
Every member has a gate card which gives them entry into the Swimming Pool Compound. On the card are two numbers in the top right hand corner. The first starts with a K, for example here it is K2098 and the second is 1100670. You will need the two numbers on your card to book a swimming slot. Ignore any . or * and please note that the capital letter O is not zero!
You can check if your card details are registered here before booking any swim slot. You may ignore any leadings zeroes at the start of the long number.
When you first enter your card details, you now have the option of ticking a box (by clicking on it) so that your web browser can remember these details (as “cookies”) for the rest of the season. This should make it easier for you to make subsequent bookings etc. Please note that you shouldn’t do this on a public or shared computer.
If for any reason you have had to have your card replaced, simply overtype the old card details and tick the “Remember me” box again.
When you make a booking, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided on your membership application.
If you wish you can change this on the booking form to a different email address (for this booking only).
What will I be booking?
You will be booking a slot to swim in one of three lanes for 30 minutes at a time and date of your choosing when lane swimming is in operation.
Why are the slots only 30 minutes long?
Simply to give as many members as possible the opportunity of a swim.
How many people can use a lane?
You are allowed a maximum of 10 people per booked lane.
How many bookings can I make?
You can only make one booking at a time and are able to make a new booking once you have had your swim.
However, there are also Standby Bookings. These are only available on the day, providing there are un-booked slots.
You may only make one such booking a day. If you have no outstanding bookings, there is no advantage in making a standby booking as you won't then be able to make a standard booking.
A standby booking may be cancelled in the same way as a normal booking.
How far ahead can I book?
Under normal circumstances you should be able to book up to 7 days ahead.
Can I change or cancel my booking?
You can cancel a future booking using the confirmation email you were sent and following the link provided. Alternatively you can use the Cancel a Booking menu option under the Book a swim tab (you will need the booking reference to cancel). You can then rebook for a different day and/or time.
If you didn’t receive the booking confirmation, or have mislaid or deleted it, you can always use the “My Bookings” tab to list out your recent bookings.
Please cancel as soon as you know that you need to, as this will then allow another member to book that slot.
Cancelling at the very last minute is just as inconsiderate as not turning up for the slot.
What if I am late for my slot?
Unfortunately you will have to make do with the remaining time available as there will be other members expecting to swim after the end of your slot.
What if I don’t turn up for my slot?
We have had complaints from members about others not turning up for their slot. Given the ease with which a booking can be cancelled, this is seen as inconsiderate, especially during busy times when slots can be much sought after. Repeat offenders are liable to have their ability to book a slot suspended for a period.